
Friday, December 7, 2012

a winter tale

hi all- just at the end of a week long break that came upon me after i had a tooth extracted and wound up with a nasty infection and a fever of 102 that would not go away for most of the week- until today as a matter of fact.i stayed at home from work alternating between lying on the couch and determined to get some painting, journaling in, but as luck would have it no good work came out of the week,too sick for creative genius, as if the work that i do qualifies as genius!but at least i tried. tonight i had a little fun taking prints off my painting in progress and the results were quite interesting and looked like more than they were. i have to report   that i have some work published in somerset gallery magazine- i haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet but i saw the table of contents for the magazine and my article is listed in the contents. so I'm waiting patiently(not) for either  them to send me a copy, or for Barnes and noble to get it in stock or for the copy i finally ordered arrives. don't they know this is a big deal for me ! I've never been published before! somebody please have pity on me and find me a copy and mail it to me before i die!my address is 228 grimsby street s.i.n.y. 10306. i will reward anyone who sends me a copy with something or other, including the cost of the magazine. this is an a.p.b. to anyone who is listening.onto other news 6 months until i retire forever from nursing as a side job! lots of ! in this post. until we meet again, and in case i don't post until then merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah to all my Christian and Jewish fans. cheers brigid.

1 comment:

  1. This is so exciting!! My friend Leah knits the most beautiful comfy socks on earth, and she has these little challenges every so often, and I won one of them. She sent me the most gorgeous cuddly pair of socks I've ever owned. I get to wear them about three days out of the "winter" here. I love them. So I'm determined to win your challenge. Which month is your work featured in? I want to get the right one. I'm guessing it's December? I'll hit the Barnes and Noble here to see if they have it. It isn't much, but I'd be so glad to send it to you as a little Christmas gift.

    I'm so sorry to hear that you've been feeling poorly. A 102 fever is nothing to mess around with, so I'm glad you're on the mend. Have a very merry Christmas and happy New year!

    Your faithful reader, Karen ^..^
