
Monday, September 1, 2014

For Seannie

Today would have been your 58th birthday. I can't believe you've been gone for ten years. I can't believe you're gone at all. I still say to myself quite frequently, Sean would love this, or I  can't wait to tell Sean about this...Where are you little brother? Do you see us, hear us, know how much we love you, and would give anything to have you back? Courtney is a lawyer now and she misses you fiercely. I don't see Dig very often but I know how much she misses you. I miss your face , your smile,your sense of humor, your astounding intelligence. I miss your voice your music,hell I  even miss your hair. I miss having you next door to me. I miss your help, your kindness, your loyalty and generosity of spirit. I miss talking to you , and you calling me Briddy. I just miss everything about you, my brother, my old friend. Remember sitting at the top of the steps to the cellar, before one of Ger  and Marg's parties? Remember Mateus? Remember living on Midland with Kath and Charlyn, and Una and Jada and dressing up in one of my suits at one of our parties? You were the most beautiful woman there. Remember your jeep and how Willie painted the dashboard? Remember when you and Diggy stayed with us for awhile -both of you sleeping on that non pull out couch? And all the good times we had at Pt. Pleasant ,both when we were kids and when we were grownups? I could go on forever, the memories just keep flooding back. Thank you for all that you were and all that you did for me. I will never ever forget it, or how much you mean to me.Never ever. Happy birthday love,I hope we meet again, I  love you forever,Briddy.

1 comment:

  1. This was a beautiful tribute for a beautiful person. I miss him too. The endless patience he had for 5 troubled kids who invaded his home. The way he played with us, as he was still a child himself when we arrived. The influence he had on my musical tastes, my reading choices, my whole existence back then. The way he'd defend us in some really tough situations sometimes. I loved him so much. He was my hero when I was a kid, and still is in so many ways. Unfailingly kind. I remember when Courtney was born, how much he adored her. I wish we all had more time with him; he was such a big presence in so many lives. Thank you for sharing him with me, and just so you know, I felt (feel) the exact same way about you. Just a constant breath of fresh air in an oppressive childhood, always. I think without that, we would have been doomed. You guys are the reason I am functional and mostly whole today, I truly believe that. And this moved me to tears, but also made me happy, because it gave me a glimpse of Sean that I never knew. Also, I remember that amazing old house on Midland that you guys moved to. Sean must have still been very young. Still a teen, if memory serves. Such an amazing spirit. I truly adored him, and will forever. Same as you.
